
Showing posts from August, 2023

Story of mathematics

  The story of mathematics is a long and winding one, dating back to the earliest civilizations. The first mathematical concepts were developed by necessity, as people needed to be able to count, measure, and calculate in order to manage their resources and trade. Over time, mathematics became more sophisticated, and it was used to solve increasingly complex problems. One of the earliest civilizations to develop a sophisticated mathematical system was the Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 3000 BC. The Sumerians developed a system of counting using cuneiform symbols, and they also developed a system of geometry for measuring land and constructing buildings. The Egyptians also made significant contributions to mathematics. They developed a system of hieroglyphs for representing numbers, and they also used geometry to build pyramids and other structures. The Egyptians also developed a system of fractions, which was more advanced than the system used by the S...

History of time machine

  The idea of a time machine has been around for centuries, but the first time machine to be invented was in 1895 by H.G. Wells. His novel, "The Time Machine," describes a machine that allows the protagonist to travel through time. The concept of time travel has been explored in many works of science fiction, but it is still not clear if it is physically possible. Some physicists believe that it may be possible to travel through time by bending space-time, but this would require technology that is far beyond our current capabilities. There have been a few experiments that have been interpreted as evidence of time travel, but these experiments have been inconclusive. In 2011, a team of physicists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, claimed to have observed a particle that had traveled back in time. However, other physicists have disputed these findings. The possibility of time travel is a fascinating one, but it is also a dangerous one. If it were possible to trave...

Breaking news... Latest

  The news on these topics create a sense of urgency and concern. The Russia-Ukraine war is ongoing and there is no end in sight. The drone attack is a reminder of the ongoing conflict and the potential for further violence. Hurricane Hilary is a natural disaster that is causing widespread damage and displacement. The bomb attack in Pakistan is a reminder of the threat of terrorism. The wildfires in western Canada are a reminder of the dangers of climate change. And the shooting in the West Bank is a reminder of the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.